
Asset Integrity

Astrimar supports asset operations in the management of reliability, technical risk and integrity during operations through to decommissioning, to ensure that risks to reliability and integrity are effectively managed throughout the life of the asset minimising downtime and safety risks. Astrimar supports late-life operations and life extension, to understand the technical risk of equipment approaching or operating beyond design life. In decommissioning, Astrimar provides support to asset owners in risk-based selection of decom solutions.

Reliability engineering is fundamental to integrity management in operations, building on the earlier analyses and the designed-in reliability.

System reliability analysis enables understanding of the impact of redundancy and isolations on the integrity of safety-critical elements and production.  Reducing the impact of inspection, maintenance or intervention supports improved operational efficiency and availability.

FMECA helps to identify and understand potential failure modes allowing operation, inspection and monitoring requirements to be defined in support of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) and Risk-Based Inspection (RBI).

Throughout the asset life, reliability analyses support the development of logistics and sparing strategies, preparedness and emergency response, risk-based decision making and through-life asset integrity management.  Inspection and monitoring data enable updated forecasting of degradation and failure probability over time, accounting for actual equipment condition for predictive RBI and asset integrity management. Astrimar’s risk-based asset integrity management tool, pRIOriti-AIM has been developed to efficiently enable this.

Late life and extended life integrity are achieved when asset teams successfully assess, manage and mitigate each critical failure mode, through an understanding of the risk-based cost-benefit of alternative IM strategies in the light of ongoing degradation and obsolescence. In Astrimar we use routine inspection, monitoring and test data collected over the life of the asset, in conjunction with our pRIOriti-AIM tool, to identify the onset and progression of degradation mechanisms as equipment ages and the rate at which asset equipment condition is deteriorating.  Consideration is given to maintaining a minimum level of residual integrity to facilitate decommissioning.

Technical risks associated with reuse of refurbished or decommissioned equipment can also be addressed using historical inspection and test data, for example for application as sparing or for marginal field and small pool developments.

For decommissioning, developing an understanding of the potential failure modes that may occur through the selected decommissioning process is fundamental to risk management and should be based on reliability engineering and assurance principles. Astrimar’s STEM-flow tool has been developed specifically to support the industry in understanding the technical risks associated with different well P&A designs, including both conventional solutions and those utilising new plug technologies.

Astrimar services include:


